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Finding Hope Within

About this session

A meditation for hope and healing at a time when we need it most.


It is no secret that our state of mind has a profound impact on our quality of life. Particularly amidst these challenging times, meditation is a simple and effective tool to combat anxiety, lift depression, and unlock your true potential.


This guided meditation practice will enable you to identify images and thoughts weighing on your mind, and through a simple visualization, truly let them go - revealing a natural state of calm clarity.


More than temporary relaxation, experience a true release of accumulated tension, which leaves you feeling lighter and brings sustained peace over time. This class is wonderful for beginners and experienced practitioners alike.


Learn to meditate and give yourself the greatest gift: lasting happiness within.

Class Structure

A brief introduction to the purpose and premise of meditation, so everyone can begin their meditation with confidence.

A guided visualization meditation to identify and release - or “throw away” - stressful or negative 

recurring thoughts.

Wrap up with Q&A and discussion to clarify any points and encourage one another!


Blake Guss

New Jersey Meditation

With 9 years of extensive meditation experience, Blake has facilitated workshops at local universities, corporations, and non-profit organizations, helping people release stress and realize their true self.


"We came to this world to live, truly. My greatest hope is for everyone to find their true self and true happiness."  -Blake

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